How to Learn to Write and Research in an Academic Setting?
In most college schools and universities students are usually taught research and writing as one of the first courses that they need. Research and writing indeed is an important course for fresh students. Many institutions are good at giving these new students theoretical lecturers on research and writing. This essay, therefore, will present some ways in which students can learn proper research and writing.
In my years in college I observed one of the lecturers who was teaching new students research and writing. We all sat in the same classes for over three months learning the same things. I later observed that some students didn't even know how to write a proper research paper throughout the four years that we were in school. One thing is clear the lecturer was always teaching and giving us home works at the end of every lesson. I later concluded that many students were not getting what the lecturer was teaching because the lecturer concentrated much on the theoretical part. The best way that students can learn research and writing is to be given research topics more often so that they sharpen their researching skills.
The best way to teach student research and writing is to give them opportunities to work on research projects during the lecture on their own and also in groups. When some students are given some homework when they are learning research and writing they usually to others to help them. But doing research and writing exercises in class gives students the best opportunity of learning how to do research and writing.
Another best way of learning research and writing is to challenge students to study and read extensively. Students in most colleges and universities wants to write good papers without investing a lot of time doing research and studying various materials. Those who desire to learn research and writing should be challenged to study more than they write.
Researching and writing can be learnt best when students are given more tasks that can enhance their growth and desire to research and write more. This means that the lecturers should only teach students some basics and then allow them to develop those through personal studies then the lecturer comes to inspect and guide students where they are behind. This means that research and writing is not a course that one can learn theoretically but practically.
Those teaching research and writing should not assume that every student they are teaching is grasping what they are offloading. But they should have devote enough time to listen to each and every student and also monitor the progress of the students on an individual basis. Too often instructors fail to understand that research and writing is the most important course in college or a university because it is the course that determines how one will succeed in school or fail to succeed. At the same time, college and university students need to realize that without hard work and dedicated training they won't be able to achieve success in neither academic or professional life.
The best way that students can learn research and writing is through language improvement. Many people who are not usually fluent in English fail to learn research and writing well. This entails that research and writing can be learnt when one improves his or her English. Teaching people how to improve their writing and speaking skills can make them confident to learn research and writing.
In conclusion, academic research and writing can be well learnt in a practical environment. Students should be given more work to be done in the presence of the lecturer and also encourage them to improve their language and writing skills. Students should be inspired to do research and writing through exposure to extensive studies.